- 4,459 square ft
- Lighting Rig
- Dual Cycolorama Rails
- Fully Air-Conditioned
- Green area with studio output monitor and television.
- A smaller separate green area upstairs for privacy.
- Kitchen with tea, coffee and microwave facilities.
- Production Office with wi-fi, dedicated phone line and studio output monitor.
- Make-up room with 4 stations, one wash basin and studio output monitor.
- Air-conditioned main wardrobe room.
- Three dressing rooms with showers and televisions.
- Washing machine and tumble dryer.
The technical area is situated next to the studio and is accessible through glass doors.
Hover over the diagram for pictures and technical specifications.
To download floor plans of the studio, click on the appropriate link. (To download, right click and ‘save target file’ or just click the icon and the PDF will open up using your PDF programme.).
Studio 1 – A2 Size Metric
Studio 1 – A2 Size Imperial
Studio 1 – A4 Size Metric
Studio 1 – A4 Size Imperial
There is a comprehensive range of lights available from CK Green to “White Out” rigs.
These lights are owned by a separate Lighting Company called Osprey Lighting Ltd.
Please contact Rob James (rob@ospreylighting.com) directly for further information and prices.
The studio is equipped with a floor supply of 125amp 3 phase should you wish to light with your own lights from the studio floor.
If you would like to use your own light from our lighting grid then we would suggest that you use an in-house spark.